In this project, I created a Chrome extension called the "Cookie Counter". This extension functions to
increase awareness of a website's cookies - through replacing the images on a website with a cookie gif (based on how many cookies there are). The extension also has an option to delete the cookies
on the current page.
These are the main steps I took in approaching this project.
Cloning examples from the instructor and reading/analyzing them to learn how javascript worked
Found Google's cookie API, and narrowed down my project direction by using Google's cookie extension example as a starting point
- Looking up readings for javascript, and how to connect html to it (did a lot of this throughout)
Laying out my files and customizing the CSS
Created a line on my extension to display the current number of cookies
- Having that number update once a user chooses to delete cookies
Created a "enable cookie" checkbox
Connecting javascript to content script
- Sending the number of cookies to content script once the checkbox is checked
(2 mid-process photos shown below)
I ran into several issues in this project. One of the most notable issues was displaying a line of text
that updated the number of current cookies on a site. It was a logic issue where at first, I was unable to get the
cookie number variable to be connected with my html's inline container.
I approached this problem with several steps, including:
Using console.log() to report back to see where in my code was coming up null
Started by referencing the deleteCookies function that was originally in the template code
- Created a getCookies() function to grab the cookies.length once the domain's cookies were gathered
- This function connected to another function of setCookie() which communicated that number back to the html inline container
My code was not working at this point, so I tried adding an EventListener that called a function when the DOM was fully loaded and parsed
- This function would be able to grab the url and pass it in the earlier function I had made getCookies()
Lastly, I needed the extension to update this number whenever a user deleted the site's cookies
- After failing to write a new function to do this, I instead went into the deleteCookies() function to set my cookies back to 0 once cookies were deleted
Final extension here or shown below (may take a while to load):
Here are some ideas for improving on this extension:
Having the current number of cookies on the page float around on the screen
Be able to update the number of cookies even after deleting them (as they come up)
Have extra resource links about cookies
Having original images come back up when the cookies are disabled
Image of cookies update once they are deleted
I got lots of support and resources during this project, including: